

History and background of the political SW-MAGAZINE


The SW-MAGAZIN first appeared as a print edition in May 1993. Why? Because as the founder of a mail order company for photographic accessories (1968), I no longer wanted to simply accept the political madness, the prejudices and the lies of life.

That's why I added a political section to my analog black and white photo art magazine, which I founded in 1976, in 1993. There I tried to give readers a new worldview, contrary to the ideas of the corporate-friendly globalization lobby. Back then I already had the feeling that the world was moving in the wrong direction and taking a wrong path. The special thing about the magazine: All readers were able to vote on my analyzes and reform proposals using the attached ballot paper (at that time still by post). Most of the time the approval ratings were over 70%.

When the print edition was discontinued in 2005, my political essays appeared exclusively on the Internet (for example Accessible to everyone, absolutely ad-free, politically independent. The original German texts listed there can be converted into 100 languages - with one click using the Google translation program located at the top.

My treatises are intended to influence all of world politics. They are of course written from a German perspective (I am German and have lived in Flensburg since 1949), although they are mostly in contrast to the opinion factory of the establishment and the bloc parties.

But the problems in the USA, Great Britain, France, etc. hardly differ from those here. Thanks to the international multinationals, they have spread like cancer. Now please don't think that I'm a diehard leftist or rightist. I was self-employed for over fifty years and have no aversion to capitalism. I'm just worried that the global dumping competition introduced through tariff reductions is poisoning capitalism and undermining the beneficial social market economy. With all the consequences that result from this fundamental evil (merciless exploitation of humanity and raw materials, population explosion, climate change, crime, terrorist regimes, etc.). And now I invite you to view some samples of my writing free of charge.


The creation of translated pages is currently under construction. Please also use the pages that can be translated with a simple click at


My websites are absolutely non-partisan and independent!
They are not sponsored by state institutions, global players, corporations, associations, parties, unions, aid organizations, NGOs, the EU or capital lobby, hyped by google or influenced by the cancel culture movement! They are also free of advertising and fees.

Background and analysis:
Can the EU still be reformed?
Research: Globalization poisons capitalism!
History and background of the political SW-MAGAZINE
German Political Encyclopedia: independent & non-partisan
Do doctored statistics and state propaganda form the basis of our democracy?
Poverty research: Which countries with high birth rates are really doing well?
The infiltration of democracy by the Cancel Culture movement …
The nasty tricks of the anti-democrats!
Causes and consequences of global economic crisis
In Germany wages have been falling since 1980. Why?
Germany: The brazen proclamation of skills shortage!
Globalization: the ignorance of the facts
The political and economic consequences of an brexit An analytical consideration from German view.
"We have to explain Europe better!"
When will the Dexit? (the withdrawal of Germany from the EU)
The rule of law becomes a laughing stock
English: Are EU skeptics angry nationalists?
Sont eurosceptiques nationalistes en colère?
Sono scettici UE nazionalisti arrabbiati?
céticos da UE são nacionalistas irritados?
Son escépticos de la UE nacionalistas de ira?
Är EU-skeptiker arga nationalister?


© Manfred Julius Müller, D-24941 Flensburg,


Open letter to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of Germany, Europe and the world...
In the last fifty years, the authorities have pushed through radical ideologies that, at least in retrospect, have proven to be fatal and fundamentally wrong (they were questionable and illogical from the start). These newfangled, naive worldviews have created and allowed problems to accumulate that are now almost impossible to overcome. How could it be possible that, despite the most ingenious inventions and productive advances, even old industrial nations are in dire straits, the purchasing power of the average citizen has been falling continuously since 1980, the unemployment figures have increased twenty-fold since 1962, and yet there is an acute shortage of skilled workers in many areas and the pressure to perform Work continued to increase? And all of this is accompanied by the increasing strain on nature, environmental pollution, climate change, the squandering of scarce raw materials and the unscrupulous exploitation of people in low-wage countries!

The politics of immorality, distraction, dishonesty and populist redistribution must come to an end!
It is not acceptable for an aloof establishment to set the direction and fundamentally create corporate-friendly conditions! Politics must be honest and return to old virtues. All rigorous about-faces at the beginning of the gradual decline should be put to the test (such reflection should actually be a given). It must be determined whether, for example, the reduction in customs duties, membership of the EU, the abolition of the DM, the expropriating zero interest rate policy, the alienation from the market economy, global financial liberalism, the high level of immigration, the asylum policy, etc. were really beneficial. However, one must not fall back into old mistakes and fall for dumbing down arguments and glorifying statistics.

True factual politics knows no left or right...
The primitive pigeonholing is annoying! Evaluating and questioning radical ideologies should not lead to stigmatizing independent people and pushing them into the left-wing or right-wing extremist shamebox. Only dishonorable, self-interested demagogues and careerists will engage in such evil character assassination tricks. Defaming someone as a left-wing extremist just because they expose and denounce the attitudes of the corporate lobby is unacceptable! Demonizing someone as a right-wing extremist simply because they reject the euro, zero interest rate policy and becoming an immigration country is simply stupid and primitive. Ultimately, it's about promoting the quality of life of both our own population and humanity - and not overtaxing the ecosystem of our planet Earth. In these difficult considerations, any ideological fanaticism and blind class struggle is prohibited.

Caught in the straitjacket of the party program …
What we unfortunately have to observe again and again: Politicians are all too often prisoners of their own party program! They usually cannot make decisions based on the situation or the latest findings, but have to submit to the constraints of party discipline. They must "demonstrate unity and unity," as the saying goes. Because of this rigidity, it will be difficult to get rid of the old baggage and baked-in prejudices. Then it's a constant "Keep it up!", superficially combating symptoms that have become noticeable.

Gefangen in der Zwangsjacke des Parteiprogramms …
Was man leider immer wieder beobachten muss: Politiker sind allzuoft Gefangene des eigenen Parteiprogramms! Sie können zumeist nicht aus der Situation oder neuesten Erkenntnissen heraus entscheiden, sondern müssen sich den Zwängen der Parteidisziplin unterwerfen. Sie müssen "Einigkeit und Geschlossenheit demonstrieren", wie es beschönigend so gerne heißt. Aus dieser Verkrustung heraus wird man sich kaum vom alten Ballast und eingebrannten Vorurteilen lossagen können. Dann bleibt es bei einem ewigen "Weiter-so!", bei der oberflächlichen Bekämpfung auffällig gewordener Symptome.

I don't belong to any party and don't have to take any restrictive guidelines into account. I don't have to concentrate on relatively unimportant, populist individual aspects, but can freely develop a functioning overall concept! All complex global political contexts receive due attention. At my age, I no longer have any aspirations for a career and can do without telling readers what they want. From this privileged position, I often come to completely different conclusions than high-ranking experts and consulting lobbyists who are stuck in complicated dependencies.

Ich selbst gehöre keiner Partei an und brauche auf keine einengenden Vorgaben Rücksicht nehmen. Ich muss mich auch nicht auf relativ unwichtige, populistische Einzelaspekte konzentrieren, sondern kann frei heraus ein funktionierendes Gesamtkonzept entwickeln! Wobei alle komplexen weltpolitischen Zusammenhänge die gebührende Beachtung finden. Ich strebe in meinem Alter keinerlei Karriere mehr an und kann darauf verzichten, den Lesern nach dem Munde zu reden. Aus dieser privilegierten Position heraus komme ich oft zu völlig anderen Schlussfolgerungen als hochrangige Experten und beratende Lobbyisten, die in verzwickten Abhängigkeiten stecken.

Manfred Julius Müller, Flensburg, September 7, 2022


Politicians, opinion journalists and demagogues who categorically classify other politicians or parties as left-wing, right-wing, radical-left or radical-right (of course believing themselves to be in the neutral middle) disqualify themselves. Pay attention to the choice of words used by these well-poisoners!