
Can the EU still be reformed?

 Hardened fanatics desperately cling to the belief that the enormous problems in the EU can still be solved through far-reaching reforms. But how realistic is this hope?


As early as May 1948, Churchill publicly spoke out in favor of striving for a united Europe. The ideas at the time corresponded to the wishes of the USA. This should make Europe easier to control. In order to get the population excited about the European dream, they were persuaded that a European Union would create peace and prosperity.

In the chaotic misery of the post-war turmoil, such promises naturally fell on fertile ground. Even then, the USA was primarily concerned with geostrategic considerations in the fight against Soviet Communism.


The current situation:

Everyone has now noticed what the former vision of a "peace-building and prosperity-promoting EU" has become over the course of 70 years - even if the consequences are sometimes still stubbornly romanticized.

The EU has mutated into a bloated, anti-democratic, bureaucratic monster that extremely restricts the ability of the member states (and their economies) to act. Instead of the desired solidarity, resentment has spread across Europe like a cancer. Most EU Europeans feel controlled by others and taken advantage of.

Real wages and pensions have been falling in Germany and other high-wage countries for 40 years. The only beneficiaries of the Brussels high command appear to be corporations, speculators and the tens of thousands of EU officials themselves (whose loyalty is rewarded with dream salaries). In my opinion, the EU is increasingly turning out to be an expensive ABM measure for career-hungry politicians. The EU is doubling and tripling the employment and success potential for political professionals. Can we expect politicians to saw off the branch they are sitting on? That they are committed to disempowering or abolishing the EU?


Whatever the German Bundestag dares to decide, the first anxious question is "Will the EU also approve this?"


What reforms could the EU be rehabilitated?
The EU is a hotbed of paralyzing regulations and contradictions. The flood of paragraphs, coupled with national laws, can hardly be controlled in practice. This alone means that the bizarre "Union" is doomed to failure!

Regarding the euro, the dilemma is even more obvious. How is a common currency supposed to work without a uniform financial and economic policy? Can anyone explain to me?

No matter which side you look at it from: the EU is and remains an absolute catastrophe, a flawed construction! The problems could only be solved if all member states merged into a unitary state. But with the exception of Germany, I don't see another country anywhere that would be willing to give up its own sovereignty and historically developed identity without necessity. In all EU states (with the exception of Germany), there is a strong national consciousness everywhere. This natural sense of belonging cannot simply be stripped away by decree and replaced by a greater European sense of values. How do you want to change that? With violence? With decades of brainwashing?


The EU is not even in a position to abolish summer time again, despite clear citizens' requests. The EU has long been a prisoner of its contradictory, impenetrable laws and regulations.


The EU and the nation states cannot exist side by side in the long
But many people don't want or can't admit this connection. They cling to dreamy visions and wishes that remain unfulfillable. It's understandable that all of the EU's beneficiaries (especially the post-traders) want to preserve their profits or at least save them over time. It is also understandable that the EU's propagandists, be they business bosses, politicians or journalists, do not want to admit their fatal error and never give up hope.

 Some incorrigible lobbyists believe that they can still save the EU by going backwards. But where do you want to start dismantling? Abolishing the euro would already be a huge effort that obviously cannot be achieved on a voluntary basis. After the euro, the Schengen and Dublin agreements would have to be cashed in.

And what will happen to the EU internal market and customs freedom within the community? Not even this cornerstone of the EU has proven itself! It is increasingly proving to be counterproductive.

Because it promotes absurd and environmentally harmful commodity tourism and promotes the monopolization of the economy. Customs freedom deprives small countries of the opportunity to build their own efficient economies. Because domestic medium-sized companies can hardly survive against the giants from abroad without customs protection.

Since the visions and reforms repeatedly proclaimed in stirring Sunday speeches cannot be implemented in the over-stressed "community", one has to fear the worst. There will probably never be a civilized, orderly dissolution of the EU; it will always be postponed through patchwork, gigantic transfer billions, floods of cheap money and emergency programs.

But postponed is not canceled. I am quite sure that the problems and contradictions that have accumulated over many decades will one day be released into an economic collapse. Nobody knows when that will happen. Escalation can occur in a few months, but also in a few years or decades. The hyperinflation in Germany at the beginning of the 1920s and the long-term global economic crisis that began in 1929 (and its consequences) could not have been foreseen in advance.


Are EU states in perpetual servitude? Are EU lobbyists therefore terrified of speaking openly and honestly about the EU? Do you trust the complexity of this shared destiny? That the average citizen can't even begin to see through the strange construct?


"Let's just stop tax dumping!"
States are lacking money and are finding it increasingly difficult to meet their obligations. Global tax dumping is to blame, which prevents higher taxes on corporations and high earners.

Tax harmonization within the EU would at least partially resolve this problem. If assessment rates for VAT, income, corporate profits, mineral oil, electricity, etc. were regulated throughout Europe by Brussels, the undignified pressure to undercut would be ended and the states could rehabilitate themselves again on their own.


Some people can be so refreshingly naive...
But calling for the equalization of taxes within the EU is easy and cheap if implementation can never be expected. Despite all the vows of loyalty, most EU states only think about their own interests and have so far always prevented tax harmonization. This attitude is unlikely to change in the future. It seems negligent and devious to me to cling to this utopian idea and thereby deceive citizens into believing that the EU and Euro problems can be solved. Furthermore: Unfortunately, tax dumping does not only occur within the EU, but worldwide. And worldwide, harmonization of the most important tax rates seems even more utopian than within the EU.

In order to make the absurd tax dumping pointless, the existing locational disadvantages would have to be compensated for in other ways. Instead of the trickery that is common today (currency dumping or expensive subsidy policies ), honest tariffs should be levied again. Because tariffs end the blackmail policy of capital and corporations. A similar effect could be achieved by significantly increasing consumption taxes .


Are you happy with the EU and the euro?
If you agree with the developments so far, then continue to trust politicians and the media. If, on the other hand, you have the impression that something is fundamentally wrong with this EU, then take the risk of taking a look at my writings. Only those who can put aside the bias that has been fostered over decades and listen to real alternatives (because there are none) can form a fair judgment.

 The perfidious system of intimidation and brainwashing:
"Europe will perish if faith in the EU and the euro is lost!"
What should we think of journalists and newspapers who try to influence their readers with such threats? Who have been carrying out EU propaganda for decades and simply ignoring critical reader voices?


What should we think of a Union that can't even manage to enforce uniform tax rates? That should actually be the first and most important cornerstone of a solidarity-based community of values.


A warm request: If you liked this article (, please recommend it. Because only the general education of the population paves the way for necessary changes. Manfred J. Müller thanks you
Note: The meaning of individual theses often only becomes clear in connection with other articles by the author. It is not possible to incorporate all the background and fundamental considerations into a single essay.


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© Manfred Julius Müller, D-24941 Flensburg.
First published May 12, 2018.

Background and analysis:
Can the EU still be reformed?
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"We decide something, then put it out there and wait for some time to see what happens. If there is no big outcry and no uprisings, because most people don't even understand what was decided, then we move on - step by step Step until there is no turning back."

Jean Claude Juncker